Dave's Delicious Deli is located in Caldwell, NJ at 275 Bloomfield Ave. where Nicoo's Italian Deli used to be. We specialize in fresh, hearty Sandwiches that won't leave you hungry. We're best known for our Chicken Cutlet and fresh made Chicken Salad Sandwich, but we've got lots to choose from. Stop by or give us a call at (973) 226-1707 to get yourself some tasty food.
Dave's Delicious Deli - Caldwell, NJ Dave's Delicious Deli - Caldwell, NJ
About Us
"Hey Dave, you should buy this place." . . . Early in 2015, Nicco told all of his customers that he'd be retiring very soon. And me? After 15 years of being the #1 fan of Nicco's outrageously good sandwiches, I was showing up every other day to squeeze in just one more flavor experience of the best sub sandwiches I've ever had. When I was a kid growing up in Caldwell, this used to be Pugliesi's Deli. When Nicco moved in it took me awhile to step inside. One taste of his fresh-made chicken cutlet salad sandwich blew me away! I spread the word to everyone I knew . . . if you don't try this sandwich, you're nuts. Although sometimes Nicco took so long making each sandwich (with love he said) some customers complained. But even the complainers wrote that his sandwiches were completely addictive. One day Nicco says, "Hey Dave, you should buy this place." So after alot of thought and "hell yea's" from friends and family, I did. Nicco trained me for a month. And using my years of experience working at Apontes in the 90s, a new Deli hit the ground running in Caldwell in August of 2015.
"Completely craveable" . . . We are proud to continue in the tradition of serving up the rich complex flavors of Nicco's style of subs, and have added selections that highlight today's fusion foods. We love to layer flavors!! If you're a foodie, your best bet is to leave it to Dave to choose which flavor elements to put together when creating your sandwich. Then take your time enjoying the flavors as one layer after another hits you. You'll find out what "Completly craveable." means. Or if you prefer to test out your own combinations, we can't guarantee the craveable factor, but hey, you might come up with a sandwich we haven't thought of yet. If you like to keep things plain and simple, we're here for you too, but let us know when you're ready for a sandwich that makes you unconsciously say, Whoah! Start with the bread; It's from Niccolo's in Montclair just what Nicco always served. But there are other choices for your base; start with lettuce instead and create a salad, potatoes maybe? Marty's brand burger rolls, rye bread or wraps are available too. Sloppy Joe? We've got the in-store made coleslaw to slop on that sandwich.
Dave's Delicious Deli is located in the center of Caldwell on Bloomfield Ave, right across the street from the community center. There is municipal parking available behind the building, as well as across the street at the community center. What I recommend though, is to either park next door in the bank parking lot, or park behind my car along the building. No one's gotten a ticket or towed yet, in the time it takes to get a sandwich anyway.
275 Bloomfield Ave. Caldwell, NJ 07006
Company Intro
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Donec cursus justo vel metus suscipit, sit amet gravida justo pulvinar. Sed non luctus est, vel viverra nisi. Suspendisse neque ipsum, porta vitae dui eget, feugiat pretium tortor. Praesent at dolor semper, egestas elit sit amet, consectetur eros. Praesent rutrum tempor mi, quis aliquet tellus bibendum eget. Etiam et suscipit nunc. Nulla faucibus hendrerit augue. Proin faucibus sem ligula, at egestas elit ultricies non.
Maecenas ac massa erat. Quisque ac volutpat odio, quis viverra tortor. Ut interdum ornare odio, ac iaculis est lacinia nec. Cras in pulvinar urna. Sed molestie, arcu ac auctor rhoncus, nisl justo dictum leo, eu interdum est nibh eget neque. Donec sed est nec velit fringilla lobortis. Aliquam eu elit ut arcu auctor dictum. Nulla vel lobortis enim. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Maecenas ultricies egestas dui, eu dignissim justo semper non.
Testimonials and Awards
Maecenas euismod viverra enim, sed sodales nunc sagittis vel. Nullam placerat dignissim turpis, nec auctor leo malesuada vitae. Nunc a arcu fringilla, rutrum erat blandit, sollicitudin ipsum. Vivamus vitae cursus nibh. Etiam libero sapien, dictum sed dignissim a, lobortis quis sem. Morbi placerat, est eu vehicula dignissim, magna lacus tristique turpis, ut sollicitudin ante nulla at sem. Fusce neque nulla, fermentum at turpis elementum, venenatis viverra felis. Donec eget ipsum non dolor pulvinar ultricies vel id risus. Etiam tincidunt aliquet massa, sodales gravida magna posuere sit amet. Nullam tempus nec urna iaculis lacinia.
Sed adipiscing ultricies diam ut blandit. Nullam lobortis egestas velit, quis vulputate leo feugiat a. Etiam venenatis odio quis pharetra pulvinar. Maecenas nec tempus lectus. Ut quam nisl, tempus eu rutrum at, volutpat at tortor. Donec dapibus gravida elit. Sed venenatis malesuada elementum. Donec vestibulum odio metus, vel tempor magna luctus et. Suspendisse porttitor, justo eget interdum faucibus, turpis nibh lacinia urna, vitae porta erat odio eu est. Duis laoreet dui id mi ultricies, ut dictum elit aliquet. Vivamus et libero enim. Curabitur adipiscing quis turpis sed consequat. Morbi ut arcu at sapien tempus lobortis. Etiam congue, enim eget condimentum consequat, mauris dolor tincidunt eros, vitae suscipit justo turpis sed turpis. Etiam adipiscing et orci ac condimentum.